We’re Famous (or at Least We Feel Like We Are)!

11 08 2011


We’re doing backflips in the Green Eggs and Hamlet household because we were linked to from THE wonderful Young House Love.  If you’ve been living under a rock on the internet or don’t follow do it yourself/design/home improvement blogs, then I’ll briefly explain that Young House Love is just such a blog and happens to be best in breed.  It doesn’t hurt that the couple who runs it have a fantastically cute Chihuahua, Burger, and an equally adorable baby girl, Clara.

If you’re visiting here from YHL, thank you for coming!  You’ve probably noticed that this is not a design blog, but rather a place where I occasionally blah about how cute/funny/farty/smarty/loving/wonderful my Boston Terrier, Hamlet (a.k.a. Ham), is.  In other words, this is a dog blog.  I hope you find something you like.  Please leave a comment and let me know you were here.  It can even say something oh-so-sixth grade like, “Joan was here.” 

And for those 3.5 of you who came not via YHL, thank you for coming!  Please also comment because you are wonderful.  You can write somethin as simple as, “I’m wonderful. The end.”  The story of the linkage is that I recently tweeted to John and Sherry of YHL about a “find your design style” type of quiz that I saw on Ethan Allen’s website.  John and Sherdog love those things so they took the quiz, wrote a post about it and very sweetly and kindly gave me credit for telling them about said quiz.  I know this has nothing to do with dogs but I love me some DIY, design blogs so had to share the love.

Also, to readers both old and new, please use your imaginations and pretend that Green Eggs and Hamlet is chock full of witty, smart, funny, endearing posts that make you want to come back for more.  I’ll love ya for it.  And Ham will lick your feet for 22 minutes straight in appreciation.  You will end up with a heart full of love and prune feet.  In the meantime we’ll ignore the fact that I haven’t posted anything in approximately 472 days.  Perfect, thank you.

I’ll bid you adieu with this adorable picture of Ham.  He was apparently exhausted from all the YHL attention today and promptly collapsed in my lap so please ignore my pale, pale legs in the background.



6 responses

12 08 2011

That’s too funny. I came to this blog post because of your tweet. I didn’t even make the connection from YHL’s blog the other day.

14 08 2011
Shelley @ Green Eggs and Hamlet

Letitia, how funny! Thanks for stopping by.

12 08 2011

Sew was here.

14 08 2011
Shelley @ Green Eggs and Hamlet

Ha ha, awesome! I was hoping someone would take the bait. Thanks for coming by, Sew!

15 08 2011

So cool – my bestie (and Cash’s) is famous!

16 08 2011
Shelley @ Green Eggs and Hamlet

I promise not to get a big head it go all Hollywood on you. 😉

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